Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Baby Hedgehogs

Once again we are proud to announce we have our annual baby hedgehogs. They are now four weeks old. (Ok they will be on Thursday.) They are so cute! They are still pretty wobbly and have not yet taken to much solid food or bugs yet, but they are testing the waters. This time we have three girls and only one boy. More pictures will come in the following weeks. i took these last ones just tonight. Enjoy!

About one week.

Almost two weeks

Three weeks

Almost four weeks

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Pinewood Derby

Once again, here we great the Pinewood Derby. It's always so much fun! We got the car all cut out and then created the design. Jared painted it and made the little antennas. Then he made the wings gold. It was a super cute car, but not very aerodynamic. :-P. Oh well, we'll try again next year. It did won judges choice though!

Here it is :-)

I love their faces

A few of the contestants

Down they go! (I think this is round two or three.)

Silly girls

Last minute adjustments

Judges choice! Great job Jared!